“Everyone has a special dream that can change the world. What’s yours?”

A few weeks before my 18th birthday, my high school teacher dismissed my goal of becoming a CEO as unrealistic. Instead of being discouraged, I decided to turn a negative into a positive. I teamed up with my dad to write a book, started a podcast, and began engaging in public speaking to help others learn from my experience. It became my mission to encourage people to pursue their dreams, no matter what.

Our mission at Realistic CEO is to inspire and empower individuals, especially youth, to believe in their dreams and pursue them with unwavering determination.

Through the story of Tony in “I am a CEO. Realistic CEO,” the insightful conversations on the Realistic CEO Podcast, and the behind-the-scenes look at running a business with the “Keeping it Realistic” vlog, we aim to demystify the path to leadership and success.

We provide practical guidance, real-life examples, and motivational content to equip future leaders with the confidence, skills, and mindset needed to achieve their goals and make a positive impact on the world.

You can read my story here.